Home / 12 Koosh Ball Playing Suggestions

12 Koosh Ball Playing Suggestions

Play - Tips from parents and therapists for the rubber band Koosh ball

1. My oldest daughter would love to play with it
2. Throwing and practicing the tables in the meantime
3. And if you have 2 or 3 maybe juggle (my daughter had to practice juggling for left/right coordination)

Anneke, children's coaching practice:
4. Different ideas:
Throw-over game: The first one calls an object with the first letter of the color you catch/touch. The next one calls the first word and starts his word with the last letter of the first word. Etc.
5. As a fidget toy in the classroom for children who need something like this to help them concentrate better/longer.”

6. Roll over the body with a massage exercise.

7. I tickle my son with it

Ms Stephanie:
8. Very handy for kids who are not so strong in fine motor skills. More handles if there are throwing games to catch them!

9. Throwing to practice tables. And certainly now during the golden weeks. Lots of games with a ball. Remember which classmate threw the ball to you. And then the ball has to go through the circle in the same order. Great game, what fun with the children!

Movement world :
10. Aim for a large exercise ball or yoga ball to practice action-reaction and experience how much muscle strength you use and need.

Tutoring teacher Laura:
11. For example, I call words that belong to the hunter and baker words. The student throws the koosh ball in the right bin or against the right category. The word is then written on paper or with sidewalk chalk.

12. I say a word and the student may throw the koosh ball up into the number of sound groups and catch it again.